Bauerfeind USA Inc

55 Chastain Road, Suite 112
Kennesaw, GA 30144

About Bauerfeind USA Inc

Bauerfeind is the manufacturer of supports for the knee, ankle, elbow, wrist, back and feet. The knitted joint supports are lightweight, breathable and incorporate silicone inserts that give an intermittent massage that increases the healing process and reduces pain and swelling. Bauerfeind ViscoSpot Heel Cushions and ViscoPed S Insoles are made of dual density silicone to take pressure off sensitive areas and reduce shock load to the feet and joints. The MalleoLoc Ankle Brace is great for Volleyball players!

Competitors of Bauerfeind USA Inc

For 30+ years, ProBand ® Sports Industries, Inc. has been the industry leader in the manufacture of innovative products designed to assist in the relief of pain and Repetitive Stress Injuries and begin the healing process. Developed by world renowned Orthopedic Surgeon and Sports Medicine... Read More


Breg provides premium, high-value sports medicine products and services that advance patient orthopedic care. Read More