Faichney Medical Company

433 Scenic Drive
St. Peters, MO 63376

About Faichney Medical Company

Faichney Medical Company, one of the top-rated US distributors in the thermometer business, is the only one owned by the thermometer manufacturer. For over a century the name of Faichney has been synonymous with accuracy in clinical thermometer manufacturing. The Faichney® label is highly recognized by medical professionals. Our LifeAid® label remains one of the fastest growing retail labels in North America.

Competitors of Faichney Medical Company

Dynarex Corporation

Dynarex has evolved into one of the foremost healthcare industry’s leading manufacturers of disposable medical products. We have thousands of distributor partners in all 50 states as well as Canada, Europe and South America. Our manufacturing facilities are found in the U.S. and all over the... Read More

Proactive Medical

Proactive Medical is a leading manufacturer of healthcare products located in New York and Florida. We specialize in durable medical equipment with an emphasis on low air loss/alternating pressure air mattresses, pressure redistribution foam support surfaces, positioning/ pressure... Read More

Medical Device Depot, Inc. (MDD) was started with a simple idea: the idea to change the way physicians and other health care professionals purchase their medical equipment. “In the past, physicians and other health care professionals have been working with under-trained and inexperienced... Read More