Thomas Medical

5610 West 82nd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46278-1300

About Thomas Medical

Thomas Medical, Inc. (a CRI company) is a manufacturer of single-use medical devices and accessories for women’s health. We manufacture HS catheters and procedure trays, uterine manipulators (UMI), injectors, endometrial samplers, IUI catheters and LEEP/LLETZ electrodes. Our products are used in thousands of hospitals, surgery centers, radiology/imaging centers, fertility/IVF clinics and OB/GYN practices throughout the world. Our medical devices are made to the highest standards in the industry.

Competitors of Thomas Medical

Utah Medical Products, Inc., with particular interest in health care for women and their babies, develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of disposable and reusable specialty medical devices recognized by clinicians in hundreds of countries around the world as the standard for obtaining... Read More

Bioteque specializes in providing the finest gynecological products available today. We have been designing, developing, and distributing the most cost-effective OB/GYN products since our incorporation in 1992. Our efforts have resulted in a satisfied customer base that has grown remarkably over... Read More

VagiKool is the only Reusable Feminine Cold Pack specifically designed for the most sensitive and delicate area of a woman’s body. The VagiKool Reusable Feminine Cold Pack can be used before and after childbirth to soothe vaginal pain. VagiKool promotes well-being and natural healing by:... Read More