Whirl-Clean® Whirlpool Disinfectant/Cleaner/Fungicide

Available from Care-Tech Laboratories Inc
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WHIRL-CLEAN® is a concentrated disinfectant, sanitizer, cleaner, fungicide and deodorant for cleaning and disinfecting whirlpool units. It effectively eliminates GRAM - and GRAM + bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Hydrotherapy units can be a major source of cross-contamination. The circulating mechanism can be a breeding place for pathogenic bacteria and fungi unless the unit is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each use. WHIRL-CLEAN is a concentrated detergent that emulsifies and removes oil, soap, and hard water deposits from the surfaces of the whirlpool unit and the pumping mechanism. When used as directed, WHIRL-CLEAN is effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhosa, Trichophyton interdigitale, Serratia marcesens, MRSA, Candida albicans, Herpes Simplex Type I, (partial listing).

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