Stop Heart Attack

1572 Montgomery Hwy
Vestavia Hills, AL 35216

About Stop Heart Attack

Our name, "Stop Heart Attack," and "Stop the Bleeding," speaks to the passion and dedication we have to save tens of thousands of lives that would be lost to sudden cardiac arrest or bleeding trauma without the presence of an AED unit or emergency bleeding control kit on site. Each of these extraordinary events often requires a rapid response from people who are on the scene before the Emergency Medical Technicians arrive if a positive outcome will be achieved.

Competitors of Stop Heart Attack

Medtronic , Inc.

As a global leader in medical technology, services, and solutions, Medtronic improves the lives and health of millions of people each year. The company uses its deep clinical, therapeutic, and economic expertise to address the complex challenges faced by healthcare systems today. Learn more at... Read More

Medical Device Depot, Inc. (MDD) was started with a simple idea: the idea to change the way physicians and other health care professionals purchase their medical equipment. “In the past, physicians and other health care professionals have been working with under-trained and inexperienced... Read More