Angel Medical Systems

1163 Shrewsbury Ave, Suite E
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702

About Angel Medical Systems

The AngelMed Guardian® system is an implantable cardiac device, designed to detect rapid ST segment changes - ST shifts - that may signify major cardiac events, such as coronary artery occlusions caused by life-threatening vulnerable plaque ruptures. Once an ST shift is detected, the system is designed to alert patients to seek medical care by delivering a series of vibratory, auditory, and visual warnings.

Competitors of Angel Medical Systems


Endotronix is developing the Endotronix Care Management Solution to communicate pressures that accurately measure cardiac function and provide powerful, engaging software and services to personalize the patient care experience. The Endotronix solution will have a unique capability to accurately... Read More

Biotronik Inc

BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring® is a pioneering and award-winning remote cardiac monitoring system. It is the most user-friendly, most clinically actionable cardiac remote monitoring solution available today(TRUST). Designed for ease of use and high reliability, BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring... Read More
