Medlink Imaging, LLC.

295 North Street
Teterboro, NJ 07608

About Medlink Imaging, LLC.

Medlink Imaging is a full diagnostic imaging technologies source, providing digital imaging solutions that include the ALTO DR panel line by Vieworks, MedlinkCR and the Agfa branded CR , PACS, and MIRAssist – a fully managed HIPAA Compliant Disaster Recovery and Archival Service, along with full digital radiographic rooms and retrofit solutions.

Competitors of Medlink Imaging, LLC.

Medlink Imaging, LLC.

Medlink Imaging is a full diagnostic imaging technologies source, providing digital imaging solutions that include the ALTO DR panel line by Vieworks, MedlinkCR and the Agfa branded CR , PACS, and MIRAssist – a fully managed HIPAA Compliant Disaster Recovery and Archival Service, along with full... Read More