Lifelines Neuro

900 E. Main, Ste. 300
Louisville, KY 40206

About Lifelines Neuro

Lifelines Neuro is known for its excellence in developing and engineering the finest EEG amplifiers found anywhere. We are part of SIDIS, a global, privately held purpose-driven company that is dedicated to advancing human health. Our Rendr Platform software is a powerful cloud-computing solution for EEG acquisition and review. We imagine EEG anywhere, available 24/7/365, so physicians are connected to their patients in real-time, all the time.

Competitors of Lifelines Neuro

There are many causes of pain. Pain may be misdiagnosed or simply overlooked. This frustrates those in pain and the providers who aren’t able to pinpoint the cause of the pain and provide relief. Several pain specialists and former assistant professors of neurosurgery at world-renowned Johns... Read More

WIDE Corporation