MinXray, Inc.

3611 Commercial Avenue
Northbrook, IL 60062

About MinXray, Inc.

MinXray portable x-ray and digital imaging systems are internationally recognized as the gold standard across a range of healthcare applications, including: nursing home and home health care imaging, small and large animal veterinary, military field operations, as well as other digital imaging applications. Used extensively in remote locations, global health, disaster response, and forensics, MinXray’s portable imaging systems are ideal where larger units would be impractical or too costly to use.

Competitors of MinXray, Inc.

There are many causes of pain. Pain may be misdiagnosed or simply overlooked. This frustrates those in pain and the providers who aren’t able to pinpoint the cause of the pain and provide relief. Several pain specialists and former assistant professors of neurosurgery at world-renowned Johns... Read More

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